In yesterday’s entry we introduced you to Part I of our Idoneth Deepkin army. Today, we would like to continue this little series. Without further ado, let’s get started!
Part II is dedicated mainly to infantry models including: Namarti Reavers and Thralls in quite large quantities. Really like how those miniatures present themselves together. We decided to choose an alternative color scheme, making them appear sort of more human or elvish, rather than aquarius. I believe, in this for they are more compatible with lore, which I absolutely admire. Other colors, such like robes and clothing are kind of reverse to original boxart tones.
On the pictures, you will also find Volturnos, High King of the Deep, as well as Isharann Soulscryer, both miniatures are very interesting choices. Obviously, due to the size and complexity Volturnos will be grabbing most of attention as it’s an outstanding piece. Both hereos painted to match rest of the army. Pretty happy with overall effects!
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