Minis For War Painting Studio

Witch King

LotR – Heroes of Mordor

Hello Wargamers! How are you doing today? In this entry, we’d like to share with you some Mordor Heroes, our team was working with during the summer time. On the pictures, you’ll find lord Sauron, mounted version of Witch King and Khamul on the Fell Beast. In my opinion, Khamul is the most interesting piece LotR – Heroes of Mordor

Lord of the Rings/ Hobbit – Witch King of Fell Beast

We are happy to show you another Fell Beast painted by our studio! This time in the back of the beast you will find king of Nazguls – the Witch King! We could pass by this awesome, flaming sword, so added a little feature to make to make this miniature even cooler! – OSL. Hoping Lord of the Rings/ Hobbit – Witch King of Fell Beast