Minis For War Painting Studio


40k – Traitor Guard

Traitor Guard, disloyal mortals who align with Chaos

30k – Thousand Sons Reinforcements

The Thousand Sons: A Powerful and Complex Traitor Legion in the Horus Heresy and Beyond. The Thousand Sons were originally a loyalist Space Marine Legion created by the Emperor during the Great Crusade. They were known for their use of psychic powers and were led by their Primarch, Magnus the Red, who was himself a 30k – Thousand Sons Reinforcements

30k – Angron Primarch

“I was born in blood, raised in darkness and I shall die free!” Howdy Wargamers! Angron, the primarch of the World Eaters Traitor Legion, is one of the most controversial 30k characters. He was known from his bloodlust and brutality. Due to his resentment against Master of Mankind, Angron joined Horus, when he had starter his rebelion. Eventualy 30k – Angron Primarch