Minis For War Painting Studio


AoS – Cities of Sigmar / Free People

Cities of Sigmar are a strange mix of old Empire, Dark Elves, Wood Elves and Dwarfs (and sometimes High Elves) where you can find many units from old editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. This has its own undeniable appeal and gives you the opportunity to compose a truly unique army. Today I would like to AoS – Cities of Sigmar / Free People

AoS – Gloomspite Gitz Fanatics & Gaunt Summoner

Hello Wargamers, how are you doing today? In this short entry, we would like to reveal two Age of Sigmar projects: Gloomspite Gitz Fanatics & Gaunt Summoner. Both are pretty eye-catching, I believe their presence in the army will diversify the battlefield by a lot! Painted using very luminant and vivid tones, with a lot AoS – Gloomspite Gitz Fanatics & Gaunt Summoner

AoS – Gloomspite Gitz Army Showcase

Hello Wargamers! We are very proud to present you another army project, our studio had a pleasure to participate in! It’s another Gloomspite Gitz showcase, but the army composition is a little different 🙂 On the pictures you will find: Dankhold Troggoths, Rockgut Troggoths, Fellwater Troggoths, Colossal Squigs, Squig Gobba, Loonboss, Night Goblins Command Set, AoS – Gloomspite Gitz Army Showcase

AoS – Gloomspite Gitz/ Part 2.

Hello AoS Fans! Are you ready for part 2 of our Gloomspite Gitz project? Let’s get into it! The Gloomspite Gitz are a loose coalition of the Moonclan Grots, Spiderfang Grots, Troggoths and hordes of dreadful monsters. What binds them together is that they worship the Bad Moon. The Bad Moon is indeed an satellital AoS – Gloomspite Gitz/ Part 2.