Minis For War Painting Studio


40k – Dark Angels (New Assault Marines)

Strategic brilliance and specialized formations of the Dark Angels’ Hexagrammaton

40k – Deathwatch Heroes

“Amongst a hundred men, there may be none fit for the Adeptus Astartes. Amongst a hundred Space Marines, there may be one fit for the Deathwatch.“ Hello there! Today we wanna show you a pack of Deathwatch heroes painted a while ago. The Deathwatch is a unique Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes composed solely of 40k – Deathwatch Heroes

40k – Blood Angels Army

Hello Wargamers! Blood Angels are one of the 21st founding legions of Space Marines. They are the noble descendants of the angelic of the primarchs and probably the most celebrated chapters in the eternity of the Imperium. Their countless heroic deeds and victories known to untold billions of the Emperor subjects across the length and 40k – Blood Angels Army

40k – Blood Angels Heroes

Howdy Wargamers! Blood Angels are one of the 21st founding legions of Space Marines. They are the noble descendants of the angelic of the primarchs and probably the most celebrated chapters in the eternity of the Imperium. Their countless heroic deeds and victories known to untold billions of the Emperor subjects across the length and 40k – Blood Angels Heroes

40k – Blood Angels Chaplain

Howdy Folks! We know, whole armies bring a lot of attention, but it’s nice sometimes to appreciate single models. Isn’t it? Get yourself comfortable and please check out our Blood Angels Chaplain 🙂 Chaplains are specialized officers, serving as appointed spiritual leaders of the squad. They are the warrior priests that minister to the spiritual 40k – Blood Angels Chaplain

40k – Malkaan Feirros

Hello Wargamers! Malkaan Feirros is a present Master of the Forge for the Iron Hands chapter of Space Marines. The Iron Father is a very long-living marine acting like a mix between Chaplain and Techmarine. The miniature itself was a really interesting one to paint. In my opinion the overall look is great, pretty sure 40k – Malkaan Feirros

40k – Primaris Marines Team

Hello! Today I would like to show you small pack of Space Marines we painted in our Studio. A bit unusual colour scheme with eye-catching orange shoulder pads and helmets. 1 x Primaris Chaplain 6 x Centurions [magnetized hands] 3 x Primaris Inceptors 3 x Primaris Suppressors For bases we used AK Crackle effects and 40k – Primaris Marines Team